Not enough to do

Categories: Education, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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Brett came home Thursday and laughed at me. This is getting to be a regular occurrence. He just laughs for a different reason each week.

This week he laughed at me because I was in the Tigger room (we’ve named our rooms) working on hand quilting the quilt I’ve been working on for a while (six years). I set up the quilt in our kitchen back in May with the idea to work on it during the summer and have it finished by now. I wasn’t going to classes so of course I had plenty of time to get it done.

And then I didn’t work on it at all over the summer. Eventually it got moved out of the kitchen and into the Tigger room.

School started this week. So what have I done? Did I take the quilt down? Nope. I spent several hours on Tuesday and Thursday sitting in the Tigger room (the ceiling fan really cools it off and I watch shows on Hulu while I’m in there) working on the quilt. In fact, I’m almost ready to roll it so I can reach further in.

And that is why Brett has laughed at me. Also because I’m sitting on the other side of the quilt from the door so it looks like I’ve wedged myself behind the quilt (the quilt is as long as the room). He just hasn’t seen me crawl under the quilt a dozen or so times in the last week. He thinks my scheduling issues are funny.

During the summer I had the wonderful problem of having not enough to do and too much time to do it in.

Now I’m on campus for large chunks of my week and so I’m spending my time at home actually doing stuff.

I have the same “problem” with my reading for fun. During the summer when I have plenty of time to just sit and read I get almost nothing read. But when I’m taking the bus to and from campus several times a week, a round trip of at least 1.5 hours every time, I get a LOT read (only 10 more books in the alphabet!).

Having a schedule makes me get things done. I’ll let you know how this quilting on my days off each week goes.

One shared thought about Not enough to do

  1. Brett says:

    She only *thinks* she knows why I laugh at her. 8) :brett:


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