Author Archives: Giggles

Me, the Runner, Part 3: College and Beyond

Categories: Exercise, Family, Remembers

Running during my single years. Several 5Ks. Two marathons with my dad. A 10K. A trail run. And the start of a running tradition. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Musings

One of the hardest parts of motherhood for me is lasts. You rarely get to plan them. They sneak up on you. Sometimes they pass without you noticing till it’s too late. … But I can tell the LAST is coming. And as much as I want to sleep through the night again, I’m definitely going to miss those sacred moments. And I won’t even know to enjoy that LAST until it’s already gone. Keep reading

Me, the Runner, Part 2: Jr. High Track & Field

Categories: Exercise, Family, Remembers

When I started jr. high in 7th grade I considered myself athletic. So I went out for every sport. And, it turns out, I’m not as athletic as I thought I was. At least not when it comes to team sports involving balls. And I was cut from every team. Track didn’t have cuts though. They could find something for everyone to do. I was definitely not a hurdler. That ambition never materialized. But I could run distances. Keep reading


Categories: Family

Well, it’s National Blog Posting Month again. And in all the history of this blog I have never not blogged every day for the month of November. That includes the year we got married (mid-November). … This year I will still have the goal to blog every day this month. However, because four children actually do keep a person rather busy, I’m disastrously behind on our private family blog. So my goal for this month will be to do one catch-up post every day. Because darn it all if they don’t all grow super fast. Wish me luck! Keep reading

IVF Means…

Categories: Life

I can think of no better way to describe IVF than as one of the greatest miracles of modern science. – Brett Keep reading

IVF Means…

Categories: Family, Happy Things, Infertility

Forty years ago today my future changed dramatically. I was two days old and in Utah. But in England Louise Brown was born, the first baby conceived via in vitro fertilization. That fact meant nothing to me at the time. But IVF means the world to me now. – Lisa Keep reading

Trucks and Trains!

Categories: Family, With the Kiddos

One advantage of being with small children all day is finding the joy in the small things again. With no meetings to get to and a schedule all our own we are able to take time to explore the things that make them smile. … Big mom-ing wins are often found in the little things. Keep reading