I don’t do that… yet.

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My in-laws are under the mistaken impression that because I belly dance, bake bread, knit, and sew, that I do everything. Earlier this year they asked me if there was anything I didn’t do. Brett and I just kind of looked at each other. Five minutes later I remembered I don’t crochet.

But I’d like to learn to. Specifically so I can crochet little flowers and animals. So I don’t crochet, yet.

As I thought about it, and about some of the awesome things my in-laws do that I don’t, I realized I could list off a lot of things I don’t currently do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do them eventually. I don’t fly airplanes. I don’t produce bounteous food in our garden. I don’t make things with wood. I don’t play the piano well at all. I don’t do ballet or karate. I don’t paint. But I could. I’d just need to make time for them and I could do them. And some day I’d like to.

There are other things that I don’t do that I really have no interest in doing either. I don’t speak Chinese. I don’t do masonry work. I don’t sculpt. I don’t swim. I don’t do auto mechanic stuff. I don’t play video games. I don’t cross-stitch. I’ll probably never make time to learn to do those things either because they really don’t interest me.

I don’t need to do everything. I’m just glad I have things I enjoy doing.

What types of things do you enjoy doing now? What would you like to do eventually? What are some of the things you’ll probably never make time to do?

5 shared thoughts about I don’t do that… yet.

  1. mama g says:

    I’m not good at sports, and that’s ok with me. :run: :huh:
    I enjoy writing poems and crafting, and being with my family. :heart:

  2. 1 person giggled

    Right now, I enjoy going on long walks with Malcolm (and Blake, when time allows) and playing with him at the park. I enjoy cooking foods that are healthy, frugal, AND tasty. I enjoy just relaxing and watching tv or a movie and not feeling like I have to do anything while I watch. There is a lot less mindless internet surfing this way. I enjoy singing. I really enjoy dancing and right now I’m focusing on tap dance again. I actually kind of enjoy cleaning and keeping my apartment neat. I enjoy sewing (which I’m not great at) and embroidery and jewelry making, and I have a few crafts/projects strewn about the front rooms that I should probably finish. I definitely love the various adventures Blake and I go on.

    I’d like to do a lot of these things more, especially the craft stuff. I keep telling myself that I should do crafty things during my solo tv time, and just relax if there is husband snuggling involved. I would like to get back into speaking Spanish and Japanese. I’d love to do more swing and modern dancing. At some point I’ll start doing more theater again.

    I’ll probably never get into backpacking – car camping is enough. Blake wants me to go skydiving with him someday. We shall see. I don’t know that I’ll ever actually learn to crochet, though I sort of started once.

    I think life is more interesting with a variety of things you enjoy! And it’s also good to learn when it’s okay to never want to try something too. 🙂

  3. myriam says:

    I got here from APW. I’m also of the mentality that there are many things I don’t do… yet, but I could if I had time to someday.

    It gives me something to look forward to!

    I’ll never be athletic and it’s unlikely that I’ll want to play music, after being terrible at it in childhood. I’m so glad to make peace with that and move on to the more interesting things I want to do in life.

  4. HeidiAphrodite says:

    I want to experiment with textiles and dyeing. 🙂 I’d like to buy a loom and a spinning wheel and become better at knitting and crocheting. I’d also like to try to regain my piano ability. There is a LOT I want to be better at, but I know that my time doesn’t stretch far enough to do all of it.

    But I DO know that in the next life, I want to be a dancer.

  5. Denice says:

    I do not swim or do sports — in fact it is a stretch for me to exercise but I do it anyway. Deep water aerobics scare me but I do them. I would love to be able to get down on the floor again.


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