A Place to Worship: Mosques and Temples

Categories: Gospel, Politics
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A proposed Mosque in New York has been making the news lately. Actually it’s more the controversy around it, who’s for it and who’s against it, that is the news.

I have two thoughts on the matter.

First. How do you answer the question how close is too close? Or even how far away is far enough? Nobody will be able to answer that question satisfactorily for everyone.

My next thought is my main thought. And to illustrate it I have this selection of news articles from the past year (except the first one, which is from May 2008):

And this isn’t an isolated incident. It just happens to be the one occurring near where I live right now. This is a regular occurrence whenever the LDS church decides to build a temple. The Boston temple was dedicated in October of 2000 but did not get its steeple until September 2001 because of controversy.

It’s at least a different perspective to think about things.

3 shared thoughts about A Place to Worship: Mosques and Temples

  1. Giggles says:

    Here’s an article that explains what the “at” in the “Mosque at Ground Zero” means. Just how far is the “Ground Zero Mosque” from Ground Zero? It means a few blocks away and not in view of Ground Zero.

  2. Mom says:

    When I read the article I thought of all the hoops different cities make the church jump through when they want to build a temple too.

  3. Giggle

    I’m getting really tired of this debate, for exactly some of the same reasons you’ve pointed out. I even had to get on my grandparents’ case for something they forwarded about it. It makes me really sad when people, especially those who are part of a religion that was once persecuted and driven away time after time, and are still not always respected, turn around and do the same things to people of other faiths.

    I don’t often get involved in political debates, but this one is hitting too close to home.


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