Category Archives: Exercise

How my exercise is going. My thoughts on exercise.

I remember at 12

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Musings, Remembers

I remember trying out for every single sport my first year of junior high and getting cut from everything. But I wasn’t cut from track. In fact, I was good at track. Keep reading

I remember at 10

Categories: Education, Exercise, Remembers

Canadian history. Dreams of the Olympics. Shuttle Camp. Marbles. Keep reading

I remember at 3

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family

I remember we lived in a yellow house with pansies and a sand box and snowball bushes along the back wall and the train would go behind our house. Keep reading

Full minded mindfulness

Categories: Exercise

Savasana (lying on your back and relaxing completely) is actually my favorite part of yoga. Because it’s lying on your back and it’s exercise! Keep reading

No time!!

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Life, Musings

I’ve heard people say that they would do this that or the other if they only had the time. But really it’s a lie. Keep reading

No Gym?!?

Categories: Exercise

“Oh no! However can they lose weight if they can’t go to the gym?” Which to me is just crazy. Here’s what my “gym equipment” looks like. Keep reading

Stand up! (& belly dance)

Categories: Education, Exercise, Health, Learn Something, Work

That is a LOT of sitting in a day for my students. And according to that article, their class schedule is killing them. And that’s just not nice. … It truly is amazing how often belly dancing is used in my life. Keep reading