Monthly Archives: April 2012

It is easy when you are not alone

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things

I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it. – I must admit that I’ve never liked that saying for the main reason that it is not scriptural. In fact, Jesus actually said it would, or more importantly, could be, easy. Keep reading

In and on my head

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Random

Fleas or lice? Green grapes and purple raisins? Reading comics. Small talk. And a new hat. Keep reading

Third grade dissertations

Categories: Education, Learn Something

I’ve been writing dissertations since elementary school! At this point each “paragraph” is multiple pages long, but it’s still the exact same format. Keep reading

A Perfect Day

Categories: Family, Happy Things

My perfect day would have a high in the low 80s with a slight breeze. Which would mean it’s perfect for going for a run for a few miles in the morning. Then I’d soak in a bubble bath afterwards. And follow it up with some yoga. … What would be a perfect day for you? Keep reading

He is Risen

Categories: Gospel

This Sunday, this Easter Sunday, I will get up and watch the sun rise. I will watch the world fill with light. And I will be grateful for my Savior, the Son of God, who rose, so that the world, the whole world and my personal corner of it, could be filled with light. Keep reading

Listening to classical

Categories: Learn Something

I’ve been listening to the classical radio station almost exclusively in my car for the last several months. … And two things have finally clicked in my mind. 1. The organ is a wind instrument. 2. The voice is an instrument. Keep reading

Theory of Traffic

Categories: Life

Be in the 1%. Merge when traffic laws say you have to, not when the old lady in the straw hat gives you the evil eye. Perhaps we can switch the ratios. Together, we can make a difference. Keep reading