I love the smell of laundry dried outside. It has a crispness to it that makes it feel that much cleaner. And I don’t care how much a laundry product says it makes your laundry smell like sunshine or fresh air, it pales in comparison to the real thing. It’s like the lotion I had as a kid that said it smelled like citrus blossoms and I couldn’t understand why that was supposed to be a good thing because the lotion didn’t really smell that great. And then I smelled real citrus blossoms and the scent was pure heaven, and absolutely nothing like the lotion when I was little. The real thing is always so much better.
So on days like today when it’s in the 90s (thankfully not the 100s, yet) and there’s a good wind blowing, it’s nice to have a line up for laundry day. Our sheets will be heavenly to fall asleep on. And they make for a great treat to play with for the toddler. Her laughs and smiles add an extra level of freshness to our laundry.

Ask Uncle Steve about running through the hanging laundry. :tractor:
Our laundry comes in the popular “mesquite-smoked” flavor as well. :brett:
I would love to be able to do this someday.
I want a clothesline when I grow up.