
Categories: Gospel, Questions
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It’s been a week now since General Conference. It’s so amazing to me to hear and read about other people’s experiences with it. While none of the topics are ever assigned, often you can go through and pick out a few themes that seemed to have come up often.

What I have especially noticed this time around is I have yet to hear two people say the same themes. One says they kept hearing about topic A while another says they kept hearing about topic B and C. The topics I heard the most, D, E, and F, the three I picked and prayed about before hand, nobody else has mentioned. I don’t doubt that those people heard A, B, and C, but they are not what stood out to me.

Did we really all listen to the same meeting? We did, but we listened with our hearts as well as our ears. Going back and reading the talks in the months to come I will probably notice theme G because I’ll be at a G-ish place in my life by then.

That’s why you can’t read the scriptures once and say you are done with them. If you were at a W place in your life you will have noticed a lot of W. But when you read them again you might be at a K place and it will be K things that jump off the page and into your heart rather than the W things.

Active listening to people requires more than just your ears. Listening to God is an even more active process.

Did you notice any themes? Have you thought about what those themes mean for your life?

4 shared thoughts about Theme?

  1. Brett says:

    Apparently you heard a lot of the algebra theme. You’re right, I totally missed that. :brett:

    • Giggles says:

      That was when you were pondering what you’d already heard so deeply that you had to close your eyes to block out any distraction.

  2. Denice says:

    When I watch conference I seem to always find a talk that applies just to me. I think that our experiences in life make certain topics more meaningful than at other times.

    I liked the talks on adversity this time.

  3. Mom says:

    Study the scriptures. :book:


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