Category Archives: Relationships

My relationships. My comments on the relationships of others. Some comments others have made about my relationships.

How to Plan a Temple Wedding

Categories: Family, Gospel, How To, Relationships

I told Brett I could write a whole pamphlet on the topic, and I’d even provide it for free! Here’s the basics of how to plan a temple wedding, in ten easy steps: Keep reading

The importance of fathers

Categories: Family, Gospel, Life, Relationships

In the course of my studies I have seen a lot of research on the importance and value of a mother. But fathers are important too. … “Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.” Keep reading

Bashing the bashers

Categories: Family, Relationships, Venting

Marriages have rough spots. But those should be worked out within the marriage, not at a gab session over scones and hot chocolate, real or virtual. Keep reading

A girl who reads

Categories: Books, Relationships

You’d have to ask Brett, but I’m pretty sure he’d agree that dating a girl who reads was better than dating ones who didn’t. Keep reading

I’m so lucky

Categories: Family, Happy Things, Relationships

This post, post number 1111, is dedicated to Brett (because he said he’d care when the post was #1111). … At the risk of being too mushy gushy in public, here are 1111 reasons why I’m the lucky one in this relationship. Keep reading

Meeting Friends

Categories: Books, Relationships, Science & Tech

“I need to go meet my friend” doesn’t necessarily mean I am going to meet up with them at some designated place that we have both planned. It can also mean that I actually have to go physically meet these people who are my friends … Keep reading

Retire to the drawing room after dinner

Categories: Random, Relationships

Remember how back in the old days, after dinner was over the men would retire to the drawing room to do their manly things and talk about manly topics while the women retreated to the parlor to twitter about womanly things? Take away the specific rooms for the purpose and it still happens today. Keep reading