Novembers mean family.
Not just because family gathers for Thanksgiving. But because my family started in November. Four years ago today Brett and I started our family. That right there is reason enough to like Novembers.

The last two Novembers I’ve been blissfully pregnant as well. We found out I was pregnant for the first time the day before Thanksgiving in 2011. I have never felt such an immense level of gratitude on Thanksgiving as I did that day. And last year we were watching our daughter’s heart beat every week at my appointments and my pants were already not fitting.

This November we are a family of three. And that makes Novembers absolutely wonderful.

I could never count my blessings because even just counting all the blessed moments in my Novembers would take too long.
I have to agree. November is a pretty good month. Happy Anniversary! :love: :brett:
Happy Anniversary :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: